WineDirect Compliance Documentation



Setup Wizard

The setup wizard will help get you started with WineDirect Compliance.

In Depth Overview: Learn more details about the Setup Wizard. Learn More >

The following video is a brief explanation on the Setup Wizard:

In-Depth Overview

Watch the following video or text to understand an in-depth overview of the Setup Wizard:


Setup Progess Window:

Welcome Screen

Please review the terms & conditions.

Company Settings

1. States - Confirm or review states that you want to ship to. This data is pulled from the state profile that is set up in Vin65. For more info on On/Off Jurisdictions for states please refer to the On/Off Jurisdictions Documentation.

2. Addresses  - Confirm phyisical address, mailing address and nexus addres.

3. General Info - Confirm company name, legal name, FEIN/SSN, phone #, fax # and annual wine production in litres

For more info on company settings please refer to the Company Settings Documentation.


1. Users - Confirm, review, or add users that have access to the system and set their roles.

2. Edit Roles - Confirm or adjust the personnel that have been selected as the contact and authorized signer roles.

For more info on Users and editing Users please refer to the Users Documentation.


1. Company Rules - requires a one time acknolwedgement, as they are the description of state requirements.

2. Order Rules - used on a per-order basis to ensure compliance. These can also be suppressed on a per-rule basis.


1. Licenses In System - Confirm Review or add the required business and direct shipping lincenses per state.


1. Brands - Confirm, review or update Brands and their respective registrations if necessary.

2. Labels - Confirm, review or update Labels and their respective registrations if necessary.

3. Products - Review products in Vin65 to ensure the following are correct: product names, SKUs, types, brands, labels, vintages, alchohol %, volumes and settings.


1. Report Settings - Manage your individual report settings for submitting the necessary tax and shipping forms.

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